Our branches located in Germany operate exclusively on the basis of the German Freight Forwarders' General Terms and Conditions 2017 (ADSp 2017). The ADSp 2017 limit the legal liability for goods damage, which is limited to 8.33 SDR/kg according to the legal regulation in § 431 HGB, further to 1.25 million € per damage case or 2.5 million € per damage event or to 2 SDR/kg, whichever amount is higher. In the case of multimodal transports including a sea transport, the liability limit is generally 2 SDR/kg. The ADSp can be accessed on our website (https://www.fms-logistics.com/en/general-terms-and-conditions/) and will be sent on request.
For individual contracts to be concluded with the customer for the provision of sea freight transports and all related services, our general offer conditions apply in addition, which we will send on request and which can be accessed under the following link: General Terms and Conditions
We have taken out the freight forwarder's liability insurance with WECOYA MARINE Underwriting GmbH.
Our worldwide branches operate exclusively on the basis of the following general terms and conditions:
Belgian General Terms and Conditions | ENG
Belgian Algemene Voorwaarden | NL
Belgian Conditions Génèrales | FR
FMS Brazil | General Conditions of Business
Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteursbedingung (ADSp)
German Freight Forwarders‘ Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp english)
Allgemeine Angebotsbedingungen
General Terms and Conditions
Hong Kong
Haffa Standard Trading Conditions
Standard Trading Conditions Indonesia
Mexico Terms & Conditions (english)
Mexico Terms & Conditions (spanish)
Dutch Forwarding Conditions
Nederlandse Expeditievoorwaarden
Allgemeine Bedingungen (2005) der SPEDLOGSWISS
General Conditions (2005) of SPEDLOGSWISS
Conditions Générales (2005) de SPEDLOGSWISS
Condizioni generali (2005) di SPEDLOGSWISS
SLA Standard Trading Conditions
General Terms of Expedition
Condiciones Generales de Expedición
Multimodal Transport Act by Marine Department of Thailand
Standard Trading Terms
United States of America
Terms and Conditions
United Kingdom
BIFA Standard Trading Conditions
Terms and Conditions