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General Cargo Import | Hamburg | Germany

We are there for you worldwide. Every location and its teams are important to us, so we would like to introduce them to you.

How many employees work in the department?

We have 6 employees in the Sales & Procurement GC Import Department in Hamburg. On the cover picture you can see the entire import department including sales employees.

Are there any staff events in the department?

We work very closely with our colleagues from the Operator GC Import Department and regulary organize joint team events. Friday afternnons/evenings are often used do some sport or game events and then go out together afterwards. Within our team we also organize team evenings twice a year where we to go a restaurant and have a nice evening with great conversations. Additionally we take turns and prepare lunch for each other.

What kind of jobs are there in the department and what are typical tasks?

We have various tasks in the department, the procurement of ocean freight rates for Central Europe and surrounding EMEA countries, which have to be matched with those in Asia And we have three full-time sales employees, who are responsible for the northern and central parts of Germany. One of our colleagues is currently intensively working on the implementation of our newly constructed Customer Relationship Management system. The manager of the department is responsible for the GC Import Sales activities in Central Europe, Keay Account Management and the management  of our FMS Asia Network together with the Managing Director of FMS Seaways in Switzerland.

Why is the GC Import Sales department a great place to work?

We have a great team spirit and laugh a lot. We support and push each other to be more successful every day. All in all we have a fantastic work place and atmosphere.

Fatlum Ahmeti | Fr. Meyer's Sohn Hamburg

3 questions to Fatlum Ahmeti | FMS Hamburg

1. What is your job at FMS?

My job as a Business Development Manager concentrates on gaining new customers, as well as intensifying the customer contact and increasing order-volumes of already existing customer. The implementation of new business, together with the associated customer care, is also part of my daily job.

2. How was your professional development at FMS?

After my apprenticeship at FMS, I started as a department clerk at the Import General Cargo department, where I worked for 5 years. After that, I was nominated as a team leader and worked for 3 years as a Manager for Customer Service and Sales, responsible for 4 team members. During this time, besides my operational responsibility, I also took over sales activities. In 2017, I got the opportunity to work as a Business Development Manager. From my own experience I can say, that FMS gives you the opportunity to develop your career.

3. What makes FMS a great employer for you?

One of the main reasons that makes FMS a good employer for me is the friendly and respectful contact with the colleagues as well as a good working atmosphere within the department. In addition, you can bring in new ideas, no matter if you are a staff, team leader or Business Development Manager. FMS gives employees the opportunity to develop their careers and to support employees from within their own team.

Nadine Kinscher-Masur

Corporate Head of Marketing | Fr. Meyer's Sohn



We are there for you worldwide. Every location and its teams are important to us, so we would like to introduce them to you.


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