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Jakarta | Indonesia

We are there for you worldwide. Every location and its teams are important to us, so we would like to introduce them to you.

FMS Jakarta Colleagues
How many employees work at FMS Jakarta?

At the moment there are 11 employees at FMS Jakarta.

Are there any staff events at the Jakarta branch?

We had team breakfast in the month of Ramadhan, and Christmas dinner at JW Marriott Hotel wrapped by gift exchange among the colleagues - that was great! In 2015 we held our FMS Jakarta grand opening ceremony at the Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta, where we invited our business partners to celebrate together.

What kind of jobs are there at FMS Jakarta and what are typical tasks?

The operations team runs the day to day business for our customers with superb expertise in the shipping industry, managing cargo transportation and documentation. Our finance and accounting function plays an important role in taking care of financial figures and strategic performance.

Why is the FMS Jakarta office a great place to work?

From the 19th floor we can enjoy the great view of South Jakarta, working at such altitude is a great thing instead of just staring at the wall all day long and getting stressed out.

FMS Jakarta Colleague
Ellaine Natalia

3 Questions to Ellaine Natalia | FMS Jakarta.

1. What is your job at FMS Jakarta?

I am an Operations Executive and offer great experience to all customers who are using our services. The operations team has several tasks which include A-Z of shipping. Attracting the customer might be easy, but to keep them long-term loyal and satisfied is the main point.

2. How was your professional development at FMS?

I was a Customer Service and Relations Officer at a local freight forwarding company. Back then, I thought I already knew everything about shipping. But after I joined FMS, I realized that there are many things that I had never heard of before. At FMS I learned a lot about the wide range of logistics services and this helps me widen my horizon within the shipping world. I feel encouraged to think about what my future at FMS has to offer.

3. What makes FMS a great employer for you?

The culture of the office: everyone always treats me not just as a colleague but as a friend or even family member. There is no tension at work, because when I walk out from my home to the office, I know that I am walking to my second home.

Get in contact with our team in Jakarta:

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Nadine Kinscher-Masur

Corporate Head of Marketing | Fr. Meyer's Sohn



We are there for you worldwide. Every location and its teams are important to us, so we would like to introduce them to you.


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